jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Rules of the Present and Past Progressive

1.- If a verb finishes with the letter "e", this deletes for i latin letter plus "ing",for instance:

  • Love/Loving
  • Like/Liking

2.- If a verb finishes with double vowel (ee), adds "ing",for instance:

  • To see/Seeing
  • To Agree/Agreein

3.- If a verb finishes in "ie" this deletes and adds "yng" ,for instance:

  • Die / Dyng
  • Tie / Tyng

4.- If a verb finishes with different letter ,in some cases ,adds other letter according to its ending,for instance:

  • Sit / Sitting
  • Hit / Hitting

5.-If a verb finishes with the "L" letter ,adds other "L" ,plus "ing",for instance:

  • Feel / Feelling
  • Travel / Travelling

Full Name: Nieto Wences Dulce Jazmín

Speciality: Informatic

Comments: I think it´s important to know the different rules applied,to use them correctly.

Oral Source: Guillermo Lara Villafaña,Teaches English in the CETIS 94

Written Source:http://www.lingolex.com/comver.htm

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